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List of Global Distributors
Lion Textille
Head office: 3 Maja 4, 95-100 Zgierz
Manufactory: Kasztanowa 13, 95-100 Dąbrówka Wielka
+48 577 227 211
World Transfers Inc.
1208 Gainsborough Drive, Oakville, Ontario, Canada. L6H2H3
Distribution in:
USA, Kanada, Mexico, Brazlil
+ 1 416 827 5769
Cvjetna 2 51000 RIJEKA CROATIA
Distribution in:
Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Srbija, Monte Negro and Macedonia.
+ 385 0 51 262 530
CJ Energy
Building 25 StreetNo 810 , Al khundri street Zone 25, area, al monsura, Doha, Qatar
Distribution in:
Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan,
Sri Lanka
+ 97 466 906 330
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